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Life cycle assessment of nutrient remediation and bioenergy production potential from the harvest of hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata).
Journal of Environmental Management, 91(12):2626-2631 (2010). [PDF]

Aquatic plants: an opportunity feedstock in the age of bioenergy.
Biofuels, 1(2):311-321 (2010). [PDF]

Beneath the straw: in defense of participatory adaptive management. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 22(2):169-180 (2009). [PDF]

Adaptive management of nonnative species: moving beyond the "either-or" through experimental pluralism. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 21(6):521-539 (2008). [PDF]

Rethinking exotic plants: using citizen observations in a restoration proposal for Kings Bay, Florida. Ecological Restoration, 25(3):199-210 (2007). [PDF]