Bioenergy and Sustainable Technology Society (BESTS)
Supervised by Dr. Wilkie, the BEST Society provides a forum within which to discuss and educate the members and the public at-large about the technological realities, politics and economics of bioenergy and renewable resources, energy conversion and distribution and sustainable technologies. The organization manages an informative listserve and a free lecture seminar series which pertain to various fields of sustainable development and are open to the public.

Our Mission:
The primary purpose of this organization is to provide a forum within which to discuss and educate the members and the public at-large about the technological realities, politics and economics of bioenergy and renewable resources, energy conversion and distribution and sustainable technologies. These goals shall be achieved through public meetings, sponsorship of selected speakers, and field trips to appropriate bioenergy and sustainable technology sites.
Join the listserve:
To subsribe to the listerve, send an email to with no text in subject or body. You will then receive an email to confirm your subscription.
If you unfortunately wish to unsubscribe from the listserve, send an email to leave the subject blank and type "unsubscribe BEST-L" in the body.
Contact us:
Faculty Adviser: Dr. Ann C. Wilkie (