BESTS Seminar Archive
April 13, 2009
Hydrogen - Your Freedom Fuel, CNG - Your BEST Fuel
David Bruderly - President of Clean Power Engineering
April 7, 2009
Climate change, carbon markets, and wildlife management in Florida
Doug Parsons - Florida's Wildlife Legacy Initative/Office of Policy, Partnership Coordinator and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservasion Commission, Stakeholder
March 23, 2009
Solar feed-in tariffs and forest stewardship
Ed Regan - Gainesville Regional Utilities, Assistant General Manager for Strategic Planning
March 19, 2009
Sustainable use and depletion of natural resources: Lessons for the energy system
Dr. Stephen Humphrey - Director of Academic Programs, School of Natural Resources and Environment
March 17, 2009
Climate Sez Who!
Jerry Karnas - Environmental Defense Fund
February 23, 2009
Jatropha as an alternative biofuel crop: Hype or hope?
Wagner Vendrame - University of Florida-IFAS, Environmental Horticulture
February 11, 2009
Food and Fuel: Turning Food Waste to Biogas
Ryan Graunke - BEST Lab Graduate Student, Interdisciplinary Ecology
March 7, 2006
Fueling Florida's Future with ethanol from biomass
Dr. Lonnie Ingram - University of Florida-IFAS, Microbiology and Cell Science
February 25, 2006
Net emergy of biomass
Dr. Mark T. Brown - University of Florida, Environmental Engineering Sciences
January 24, 2006
Landfill gas energy project
Ron Bishop - Alachua County Public Works
January 18, 2006
Livestock waste technologies for energy production and pollution control: A global perspective
Kurt Roos - U.S. EPA, AgSTAR Program
January 11 & 12, 2006
What is biodiesel? Who produces it? Who consumes it?
Lyle Estill - Piedmont Biofuels Cooperative
November 29, 2005
Development of wind energy in the Midwest and the challenges of developing a Florida wind industry.
Victor Austin - Midwest Renewable Energy Corporation
November 15, 2005
Woody biomass in the renewable energy mix
Dr. Wayne Smith - Professor and Director, Emeritus, School of Forest Resources and Conservation
November 1, 2005
Carbon credit trading
Mark van Soestbergen - International Carbon Bank and Exchange®
October 11, 2005
Renewable energy and interconnection to the grid
Mark Spiller - Gainesville Regional Utilities, Strategic Planning Department
October 4, 2005
Ethanol as fuel: Carbon dioxide balance and ecological footprint
Marcelo Dias de Oliveira
July 26, 2005
Industry Perspectives: Experiences of a traveling scientist and development of waste water treatment options for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO).
Neil Beckingham - Vice President, North American Operations QED Occtech Services
June 28, 2005
Blue green algae dominance within Florida springs: Are current invasive plant management paradigms counter-productive in a time of nutrient enrichment?
Jason Evans - Ph.D. Candidate, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Florida
June 7, 2005
The Biogas Technology Center
Dr. Chuckree Senthong - Chaing Mai University
April 6, 2005
Biogas Energy and Sustainability
Dr. Ann C. Wilkie - University of Florida-IFAS, Soil and Water Science Department