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Biodigesters for Developing Countries


The organic materials needed for producing biogas in an anaerobic digester are readily available in developing countries. These agricultural products, agricultural wastes and animal wastes.

The sludge remaining after digestion is richer in valuable nutrients than the animal manure, providing vegetables, fruits and cereals with a top quality fertilizer that guarantees better crops.

Biogas has resulted in a smoke-free and ash-free kitchen, so women and their children are no longer prone to respiratory infections, and can look forward to longer, healthier lives. Women are spared the burden of gathering firewood, which can take up to one day a week. That, and the practice of containing livestock for manure collection, which might otherwise graze in the forest, both contribute to protecting the remaining forests and allowing the forests to regenerate. In rural areas where there is otherwise no electricity supply, biogas has enabled women to engage in evening study, literacy classes and other home and community activities.

Some of our projects in developing countries:

  • Livestock greenhouse inventory for Ecuador
  • Demonstration digester on livestock farm in Ecuador
  • Collaboration and construction of food waste digester with Haitian-American volunteers from South Florida
  • University of Florida chapter, Engineers Without Borders, Biodigester project in Cambodia
  • Collaboration with Women in Energy and Environmental Technology Institute (WEET) on bioenergy solutions for Kenya