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Manure Feedstocks

The increase in production and concentration of intensive livestock operations along with increased urbanization of rural regions have resulted in greater awareness and concern for the proper storage, treatment, and utilization of livestock manure. All animal manures are valuable sources of crop nutrients and manure represents a substantial bioenergy resource if processed by anaerobic digestion. In anaerobic digestion, nutrients are conserved, odors, flies and pathogens are reduced, and greenhouse gas emissions are eliminated, while a significant amount of energy is recovered in the biogas. Thus, anaerobic digestion offers an environmentally sustainable solution for livestock manure management.

Digester designs available for anaerobic digestion of dairy manure include covered lagoons and complete-mix, plug-flow, and fixed-film digesters. However, the parameters of any manure management system are site-specific and may vary significantly from one dairy operation to the next. Effective implementation of anaerobic digestion technology, therefore, demands that the digester be integrated with the existing or planned manure management system. This requires an understanding of the technology and of the impact that site-specific waste management practices can have on both the energy potential of the feedstock and the efficient operation of the digester unit.


Anaerobic digestion: biology and benefits.
In: Dairy Manure Management: Treatment, Handling, and Community Relations. NRAES-176, p.63-72. Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 2005. [PDF]

Anaerobic digestion of dairy manure: design and process considerations.
In: Dairy Manure Management: Treatment, Handling, and Community Relations. NRAES-176, p.301-312. Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Engineering Service, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 2005. [PDF]

Animal manure management: Innovative technology for odor control, energy production and nutrient recovery.
Research Brief, Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida-IFAS, Gainesville, Florida. 2005. [PDF]

Cost-effective and Environmentally Beneficial Dairy Manure Management Practices.
National Dairy Environmental Stewardship Council, Sustainable Conservation, San Francisco, California. 2005. [PDF]

Fixed-film anaerobic digestion of flushed dairy manure after primary treatment: wastewater production and characterisation.
Biosystems Engineering, 89(4):457-471 (2004). [PDF]

Anaerobic digestion of flushed dairy manure.
In: Proceedings - Anaerobic Digester Technology Applications in Animal Agriculture - A National Summit. p.350-354. Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, Virginia. 2003. [PDF]

Components of dairy manure management systems.
Journal of Dairy Science, 77(7):2008-2030 (1994). [PDF]

Opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions through livestock waste management in Florida.
In: Opportunities for Greenhouse Gas Reduction through Forestry and Agriculture in Florida. p.33-38. University of Florida, School of Natural Resources and Environment, Gainesville, Florida. 2008. [PDF]

Greenhouse gas emissions and biogas potential from livestock in Ecuador.
Energy for Sustainable Development, 14(4):256-266 (2010). [PDF]